June 2020: Pursuing Puerto Rico: God Is Bigger than a Hurricane!
BIBLE FOCUS: This month, children will learn that nothing is more important than spending time with God. They will memorize Jesus’ words to Martha when she questioned Him about Mary not helping her: “‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered. ‘You are worried and upset about many things. But few things are needed. Really, only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better. And it will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:41–42). Invite your child to join you in a worship time. Play praise music and take turns voicing praises to God. Help your child choose a place and time of day for his or her daily quiet time.
MINISTRY FOCUS: Jorge [HOR-heh] Santiago and Rebeca Hernández are church planters in Puerto Rico. Jorge and Rebeca and One Church—along with Send Relief—are sharing God’s love with Comerío [koh-meh-REE-oh] as they recover from the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria.
MISSIONS FOCUS: Clean Clothes Project Jorge Santiago bought washing machines and set up a free community laundry facility in Comerío. Send Relief provided a generator so they would have electricity to run the machines. Jorge called this ministry the Clean Clothes Project. Participate in a laundry ministry with your child. Offer to do laundry for a person who is ill, a new mother, or someone who is in the process of moving. Or, visit a laundry facility together and offer to help people fold their clothes